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iKnow Newsletter 1 (September 2009)

Welcome to iKnow: The Innovation, Foresight and Horizon Scanning System

To explore the iKnow system please use the top navigation menu to access the iScan - to monitor and search WI-WE issues, the iDelphi - to assess and prioritise WI-WE issues, the iLibrary - to share innovation and foresight and horizon scanning (FHS) documents, the iCommunity - to engage and network innovation and FHS people, the iNews - to feature selected contributions to iKnow’s FHS systems, and the iOracle - to map FHS practices, players and outcomes – in collaboration with the mapping activities of the European Foresight Platform. To learn about the iKnow project's objectives and background, please click here .


You are now in our iBank of issues, also called WI-WE Bank. In this platform you will be able to access 30058 Wild Cards and 38973 Weak Signals (total of 69031 WI-WE) mapped by some of our 29330 active members. Here you can view Wild Cards (WI) and Weak Signals (WE), create your own Wild Cards and/or Weak Signals, answer to Wild Cards and Weak Signals Deplhi. You can also contribute to other member's WI-WE as they can contribute to yours.

What do you want to do ?

You do not have rights to create new Wild Card You do not have rights to create new Weak Signal scan WI-WE

List of 9 featured WI-WEs

Type of WI-WE:   all WI-WE   |   Wild Cards   |   Weak Signals
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