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iKnow Newsletter 1 (September 2009)

Welcome to iKnow: The Innovation, Foresight and Horizon Scanning System

To explore the iKnow system please use the top navigation menu to access the iScan - to monitor and search WI-WE issues, the iDelphi - to assess and prioritise WI-WE issues, the iLibrary - to share innovation and foresight and horizon scanning (FHS) documents, the iCommunity - to engage and network innovation and FHS people, the iNews - to feature selected contributions to iKnow’s FHS systems, and the iOracle - to map FHS practices, players and outcomes – in collaboration with the mapping activities of the European Foresight Platform. To learn about the iKnow project's objectives and background, please click here .


You are now in our iBank of issues, also called WI-WE Bank. In this platform you will be able to access 30058 Wild Cards and 38973 Weak Signals (total of 69031 WI-WE) mapped by some of our 29425 active members. Here you can view Wild Cards (WI) and Weak Signals (WE), create your own Wild Cards and/or Weak Signals, answer to Wild Cards and Weak Signals Deplhi. You can also contribute to other member's WI-WE as they can contribute to yours.

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List of 9 featured WI-WEs

Type of WI-WE:   all WI-WE   |   Wild Cards   |   Weak Signals
Filter: Inspired by
Subthemes: all (36) High-throughput research (2) Detection, diagnosis and monitoring (3) Prediction of suitability, safety and efficacy of therapies (2) Innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions (3) Integration of biological data and processes: large-scale data gathering, systems biology (1) Research on the brain and related diseases, human development and ageing (1) Transnational research on infectious diseases (3) Transnational research on other major diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes/obesity, rare diseases, etc. (2) Translation of clinical outcome into clinical practice, including better use of medicines (2) Quality, efficiency and solidarity of health care systems (1) Specific international cooperation actions for health system research Other actions across health themes (16) all (16) Enabling research (2) Increased sustainability of all production systems (agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture) (6) Optimised animal health production and welfare across agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture (1) Socio-economic research and support to policies (2) Consumers (1) Nutrition (1) Food processing Food quality and safety (3) Environmental impacts and total food chain Novel sources of biomass and bioproducts Marine and fresh-water biotechnology (blue biotechnology) Industrial biotechnology: novel high added-value bio-products and bioprocesses Biorefinery Environmental biotechnology Emerging trends in biotechnology Biorefinery joint call Other activities all (96) Pervasive and trusted network and service infrastructure (51) Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics (13) Components, systems, engineering (17) Digital libraries and content (5) Towards sustainable and personalised healthcare (3) ICT for mobility, environmental sustainability and energy efficiency (2) ICT for independent living and inclusion (3) Future and emerging technologies (2) ICT: International cooperation Transnational cooperation among National Contact Points Critical infrastructure protection all (45) Nanosciences and converging sciences (14) Nanotechnologies and converging technologies (11) Health, safety and environmental impact (7) Mastering nano-scale complexity in materials (7) Knowledge-based smart materials with tailored properties (2) Novel biomaterials and bioinspired materials (1) Advances in chemical technologies and materials processing Using engineering to develop high performance knowledge-based materials Novel materials for energy applications (Joint call with Energy) Development and validation of new industrial models and strategies Adaptive production systems Networked production (1) Rapid transfer and integration of new technologies into the design and operation of manufacture Exploitation of the convergence of technologies (1) Integration of technologies for industrial applications (1) all (31) Hydrogen and fuel cells (4) Renewable electricity generation (5) Renewable for heating and cooling CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation (1) Clean coal technologies (1) Smart energy network (2) Energy efficiency and savings (4) Knowledge for energy policy-making (14) all (37) Pressures on environment and climate (11) Environment and health (7) Natural hazards (7) Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity (4) Management of marine environments Environmental technologies for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation (4) Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, incl. human habitat improved damage assessment on cultural heritage Technology assessment, verification and testing Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development taking into account differing scales of observation (4) all (29) Awareness raising and impact assessment of transport research (4) AAT: The greening of air transport (4) AAT: Increasing time efficiency (2) AAT: Ensuring customer satisfaction and safety (5) AAT: Improving cost efficiency AAT: Protection of aircraft and passengers AAT: Piloting the air transport of the future (3) AAT: Cross-cutting activities SST: The greening of surface transport (2) SST: Encouraging modal shift and decongesting transport corridors (2) SST: Ensuring sustainable urban mobility (3) SST: Improving safety and security (4) SST: Strengthening competitiveness SST: Cross-cutting activities all (74) Changing role of knowledge throughout the economy (4) Structural changes in the European knowledge economy and society (3) Socio-economic development trajectories (5) Regional, territorial and social cohesion (2) Demographic changes (3) Societal trends and lifestyles (4) Cultural interactions in an international perspective (3) Conflicts, peace and human rights (6) Participation and citizenship in Europe (3) Diversities and commonalities in Europe (6) Developing better indicators for policy (4) Use of indicators and related approaches for the evaluation of research policies and programmes (2) Blue Sky Research on emerging issues and other research economies (29) Measures to support international cooperation all (1) SPA Space Space-based applications at the service of the European Society Strengthening the foundations of space S&T Cross-cutting activities Development of upgraded capabilities for existing GMES Fast-Track Services and related (pre)operational services Developing pre-operational GMES pilot services in new application fields Space Science Space technologies (1) Space transportation Trans-national co-operation among NCPs all (6) Increasing the security of citizens (2) Increasing the security of infrastructures and utilities Intelligence surveillance and border security Restoring security and safety in case of crisis Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability (1) Security and society (3) Security research coordination and structuring Without research areas assigned all (14) Support to existing research infrastructures (6) Support to new research infrastructures (7) Support for policy development, including international cooperation, for e-Infrastructures (1) Research infrastructures in general Other all (1) Bringing the benefits of research to SMEs (1) Research and rural economies Maximising the benefits of research infrastructures for regional economic development Regional contributions to the reduction of CO2 emissions Any research topic covered by the EC FP7 all (15) A more dynamic governance of the science and society relationship (1) Strengthening potential, broadening horizons (4) Science and society communicate (6) Strategic activities (4) all (0) Bi-regional coordination of S&T cooperation incl. priority setting and definition of S&T cooperation policies Bilateral coordination for the enhancement and development of S&T partnerships Supporting the coordination of national S&T policies and activities all (0) all (2) Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry Genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and systems biology Cellular and Developmental Biology Organismic physiology, including infection and immunity Neurosciences and neural disorders (1) Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health Evolutionary, population and environmental biology Applied life sciences and biotechnology (1) all (6) Mathematical foundations (3) Fundamental constituents of matter (1) Condensed matter in physics and chemistry Material and chemical sciences Information and communication Engineering sciences Universe science Earth system science (2) all (0) Individuals and organisations Institutions, behaviour, values and beliefs Environment and society The human mind and its complexity Cultures and cultural diversity The study of the human past all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (4) September 2009 (4) November 2010 all (14) March 2010 (14) all (1) December 2009 (1) all (5) May 2010 (5) all (10) June 2009 February 2010 (10) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0) all (0)