The iKnow methodology interconnects the project's RTD WorkPackages:
WP2: Conceptual development of WI-WE frameworks for ERA
WP3: Characterisation of ERA WI-WEs
WP4: Eliciting WI-WE appraisals
WP5: Wild cards and weak signals impact surveys
WP6: National multi-method workshops
WP7: Writing case studies
WP8: Developing and piloting tools and applications for WI-WE
WP9: Disseminating and interconnecting knowledge with policy consequences
Exploring and understanding: literature review and desk research
WP2 and WP3 are aimed at obtaining broad and deep insights on WI-WE by means of literature review and desk research. New concepts and frameworks will be developed and processed information will be used to feed subsequent WPs and to produce a series of informative bulletins aimed at providing intelligence for the ERA community through the life of the project. These activities will provide some solid ground to the frameworks developed in the project.
Eliciting views and opinions: surveys and interviews
WP4 and WP5 will undertake a series of consultation processes. A cross-national Delphi will be used to gather EU and international views on WI-WE. This will be followed by four national surveys (in EU MS) looking at potential impacts of WI-WE on national and sub-national issues related to the six ERA dimensions: Researchers; Research infrastructures; Research institutions; Knowledge sharing; Research programmes and priorities; and Internationalisation. A fifth survey will be carried out in Israel given that its “neighbouring country” status will provide the project with insights about ERA issues around the internationalisation dimension. In addition to the surveys, over 50 interviews targeting key stakeholders (from politicians and scientists to science fictions writers and artists) will be supporting WP4, WP5 and subsequent workpackages. These activities will broaden participation thus increasing the credibility and public ownership of project results.
Interacting with key stakeholders and piloting approaches: national workshops
WP6 includes four national workshops aimed at promoting interactive discussions with key stakeholders in order to gain insights and inputs to the subsequent working packages as well as feedback on interim results gained from cross-national and national surveys. The workshops will also pilot innovative multi-method approaches to identify and analyse WI-WE.
Contextualising: case studies
WP7 will contextualise findings and develop an in-depth understanding of how WI-WE relate to national and regional policy issues, in particular those related to key European Research Area (ERA) strategies.
Testing and innovating: IT tools and applications
WP8 will allow the project to test and innovate in terms of the use of web-based tools that will go beyond simply disseminating and delivering results. These tools will also provide environments for user communities to go about their own WI-WE analysis.
Validating and disseminating findings through the life of the project
WP9 is about disseminating and interconnecting knowledge generated during the project. The dissemination of results will also aim at the validation and absorption of findings of the project (mainly by policy-makers from the EC and participating countries). WP9 will also disseminate results by producing policy toolkits and practical guides useful for those supporting policymaking purposes, in Foresight related communities and elsewhere.