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iKnow Newsletter 1 (September 2009)

What is the scope of the scanning?

The generation of our wild cards and weak signals (WI-WE) required the development of four horizon scanning strategies:

  1. inward-looking top-down or ILTD (where over 2,000 European Commission funded research projects have been sistematically scanned by the iKNOW Team);
  2. outward-looking top-down or OLTD (where a wide range of knowledge sources outside the European research space, e.g. websites, blogs, news, journal articles, official reports, science fiction books, etc. are scanned by the iKNOW Team),
  3. inward-looking bottom-up or ILBU (where EC funded research activities are scanned by iKNOW Community members, who should eventually include a wide range of expertise from government, business, research/education, international organisations, NGOs and other sectors) 
  4. outward-looking bottom-up or OLBU (where knowledge sources outside the European research space are scanned by iKNOW Community members).


iKNOW Scanning Strategies