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Mapping Weak Signals

Inspired by: ERA dimensions » ERA's emphasis on cross-border cooperation won't necessarily lead into small regions develoment

version: 6 / updated: 2011-03-15
id: #1704 / version id: #1702
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Omid Omidvar
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Last changed by: Omid Omidvar
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration

European Research Area (ERA) dimensions

Theme/activity of inspiration

Research Institutions

The source of the Weak Signal is


Signal's headline

(max. 9 words)
ERA's emphasis on cross-border cooperation won't necessarily lead into small regions develoment

Signal's description

(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Weak Signal (approx. 150 words)
The assumption that relatively stronger crossborder cooperation results in a higher degree of integration in the ERA, may require a closer view. Thus regions may pursue an unduly selective internationalization strategy. In this case, the quality as well as the quantity (in relation to the foundational ERA objectives of promoting competition, solidarity, and equality of opportunity) of crossborder cooperation is important. Since regions that look outward may have already reached the threshold necessary for significant cross border cooperation, they may tend to look towards regions that are extremely developed, for partnerships to enhance their economies. The ERA may facilitate these relationships and tie up research and technology resources at the expense of cooperation between regions with high and regions with low development levels. So while their ERA integration appears quite healthy, it is not necessarily in the spirit of the foundational principles of ERA. Moreover, small and less developed regions that are included in some of the proposals for regional funding may only be included to increase the chances of a successful proposal and may not in fact benefit significantly from participation.


ERA, Cross-border, Regions, Development, Partnerships