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Mapping Weak Signals

Inspired by: RTOs » Hyrated Fullerenes (C60) coming to Ukrainian marketplace by the end of 2009

version: 3 / updated: 2009-12-02
id: #540 / version id: #538
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Walter Derzko
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Walter Derzko
WI-WE status:
unpublished archived

Source of inspiration

Research and technology organisations (incl. universities)

The source of the Weak Signal is

http://smarteconomy.typepad.com/smart_economy/2009/10/hydrated-fullerenes-coming-to-market.html Grigorij Andrievsky in Kharkiv Ukraine Professor Grigoriy Andrievsky Director of Science, PhD. "Institute of Physiological Active Compounds" LLC. 58, Lenin ave., 61072, Kharkov, Ukraine Phone: +38 057 763 0521 (Phone/Fax, Office) +38 057 719 6103 (Lab.) +38 095 894 65 21 (mob.) E-mail: yard@kharkov.ua and info@ipac.com.ua

Signal's headline

(max. 9 words)
Hyrated Fullerenes (C60) coming to Ukrainian marketplace by the end of 2009

Signal's description

(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Weak Signal (approx. 150 words)
Water soluble fullerenes are about to be launched on the Ukrainian marketplace as a natural food supplement called Fullerene Water Solution (FWS) Some of the over 20 medical benefits include antimicrobial, antiviral, highest antioxidant in the world, prevents cancer metastasis, radio-protective, prevents or cures a range of anti-inflammitory and autoimmune diseases ie Alzheimer's, blood clots , type 1 and 2 diabetes etc


fullerene water solution FWS, nanomedicine, antimicrobial antiviral, antioxidant, cancer metastasis, radioprotective, Alzheimers,


(max. 250 characters)
When natural fullerenes (C60) were discovered several decades ago, they were taughted as the silver bullet in medicine, but the hype receeded as researchers realised they where not water soluble, but Ukrainian figured out how to make them work.

Signal's first apperance

before 2000

Signal's potential evolution

It could lead to...
issue type of issue/development potential impact on society timeframe for the issue to become at least 50% probable
#1 Obsolecsence of antibiotics and vaccines new/emerging
very beneficial

Under what assumption the Weak Signal might evolve.

HyFNs emerge on Ukrainian marketpalce; active extreme medicine tourism market emerges as people who want alternative medical cures or prevention travel to Ukraine for treatment of existing diseases or prophilactic prevention. HyFns expand to other countries as Ministries of Health of individual countries recognise benefits


please specify
please select
Level 4: important for the whole world World wide medical impacts, could reduce health care costs by 1/3 or more

Filters preventing the signal's monitoring

information/communicational filters (media/editorial interests, language, reasoning)
institutional filters (rules, laws, regulations)
economic filters (business/market interests)
scientific filters (knowledge/technology access)
political filters (party or ideological interests)

Comments on selection:

Threatens conventional big Pharma and big Medica mainstream establishment

Key driving forces of this signal

Please use these boxes to provide up to 2 drivers of HIGH importance. Click on HELP to see examples:
Driver 1 Driver 2
Social Humanitarianism Job creation based on new technology
Technological/Scientific Research and clinical studies
Economic High cost of conventional medicine
Environmental Increased pollution and more allergy and autoimmmune diseases
Political Overextended healcare systems around the world
Values/Ethical/Cultural self medication mistrust of conventional pharma

Major risks & opportunities associated to the signal

Please choose the most appropriate timeframe option(s) to which you would like to provide inputs.
Risks Opportunities
before 2015 Political barriers New market niche
between 2015-2025 Stem cell research comes on stream organic and nonorganic applications

Potential stakeholders' actions

short-term actions
(after 2015)
Policy actors (at the international, European and national levels) Promote medical advances, Award Nobel prize for making Buckeyballs or Fulerenes work in practise allows sales of HyFNs as natural food supplements
Business actors (incl. SMEs) Jump on bandwagon and create spinoffs
Academic/Research sector Continue research
Media Promote awareness
General public Recognize benefits and adopt alternate medicine

Signal's relevance for European Grand Challenges

where? please justify:
particularly relevant Europe world
Ageing and other demographic tensions
Diseases, health and well-being
Food security and diet
Social pathologies & ethics
Social exclusion & poverty
Economic prosperity/dynamics
Innovation dynamics
Techno-security, hazard & risk
Sustainability and climate change
Water security/vulnerability

Signal's relevance for thematic research areas

please justify:
particularly relevant
Health various applications
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology 20 or more different applications
Nanosciences, nanotech, materials & new prod. tech.
Space radioprotective

Pan-European strategies influencing the signal

please justify:
particularly relevant
Developing and funding world-class research infrastructures
Strengthening research institutions and universities
Facilitating and promoting knowledge sharing and transfer

Research-friendly strategies potentially improving understanding of the signal

For further information about 'research-friendly strategies' click here
please justify:
particularly relevant
Strengthening the actors in the research-friendly ecology
(i.e. Research funding organisations, universities, businesses, Research and Technology Organisations, Researchers and Citizens)

Signal's relevance for future R&D and STI policies

Note: RTD = research and technology development; STI = science, technology and innovation
Obsolesces notion that one drug targets one disease; one molecule targets multiple diseases