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Mapping Weak Signals

Inspired by: ERA dimensions » Relatively few of the reported policy initiatives aim at improving employment conditions and social security benefits

version: 4 / updated: 2011-03-20
id: #1709 / version id: #1709
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Omid Omidvar
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Omid Omidvar
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration

European Research Area (ERA) dimensions

Theme/activity of inspiration

Research Infrastructures

The source of the Weak Signal is


Signal's headline

(max. 9 words)
Relatively few of the reported policy initiatives aim at improving employment conditions and social security benefits

Signal's description

(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Weak Signal (approx. 150 words)
One of the most striking observations is the low absolute number of reported initiatives intended at improving employment conditions and social security benefits (36/283). A total of eleven EU countries had not introduced any initiatives with the above objectives.


Employment conditions, EU countries, Initiatives, Social security, Policy