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Mapping Weak Signals

Inspired by: FP7 » Water Pollution Warning System

version: 2 / updated: 2009-11-30
id: #460 / version id: #31
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Cornelia Daheim
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Last changed by: Cornelia Daheim
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration

European Commission Framework Programme for RTD (FP7)

Theme/activity of inspiration

IDEAS: Interdisciplinary

Signal's headline

(max. 9 words)
Water Pollution Warning System

Signal's description

(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Weak Signal (approx. 150 words)
Researchers work on a water pollution warning system. This would constantly analyse water quality. Differencies can immediately be recognised by science centres and thereby warn of pollution and a risk for diseases caused by water pollution. Meanwhile, it is uncertain who would be warning or would be warned (states, cities, single households) and how the system is technically accomplished.


warnig system, water pollution, diseases, water quality, science centres

Signal's first apperance


Signal's potential evolution

It could lead to...
issue type of issue/development potential impact on society timeframe for the issue to become at least 50% probable
#1 A water pollution warning system is installed by several States to constantly analyse the water and to ensure the drinking quality. discontinuation

Under what assumption the Weak Signal might evolve.

threat of terroristic attacks on the water supply in EU city centres foster the development of such systems


please specify
please select
Level 2: important for a particular world region countries being threatened by terroristic attacks on the water supply