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Mapping Wild Cards

Inspired by: FP7 » Nanotechnologies cure most diseases in Europe

version: 3 / updated: 2009-08-28
id: #6 / version id: #4
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Anthony Walker
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Yanuar Nugroho
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration

European Commission Framework Programme for RTD (FP7)

Theme/activity of inspiration

Theme 4 - Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies

Sub-theme/area of inspiration

Nanotechnologies and converging technologies

Optional reference/s to FP7 project/s

Use the following format: Project Acronym (Project Reference No.). Use commas if more than one project is associated to this Wild Card, for example: ALFA-BIRD (213266), SAFAR (213374), LAPCAT-II (211485)
SMW (213717), NANOMED ROUND TABLE (218732)


(max. 9 words)

Nanotechnologies cure most diseases in Europe


(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Wild Card (approx. 150 words)
Nanotechnology will develop a nanomedicine technology which will be able to cure any disease and correct any physical disorder. A nanotechnology which will be able to identify and eliminate any harmful pathogen in the human body, as well as being able to treat diseases such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. This technology would drastically reduce the need for conventional drug treatments and medical interventions


nanotechnology, diseases, health, conventional drugs, nanomedicine


Closest timeframe for at least 50% likelihood
Please use one of the following options:

Type of event

Human planned (e.g. terrorist attack or funded scientific breakthrough)

Type of emergence

please select (if any) describe related trend or situation
An extreme extension of a trend/development/situation
(e.g. Increased global warming leads to a total ban on fossil fuels)

Historical parallels

Development of the microelectronics changed ICT applications, systems and devices, for example

Type of systems affected

Human-built Systems - E.g. organisations, processes, technologies, etc.




please specify:
please select
Level 3: important for the European Union
Level 4: important for the whole world

Latent phase

Obstacles for early indentification

scientific filters (knowledge/technology access)

Manifestation phase

Type of manifestation

Very uncertain

Aftermath phase

Important implications
Collapse of a system


Collapse of a large system or Emergence of a new System: If the existing drug development industry were to collapse and be replaced by the nanomedical industry - the opportunity for Europe would be to be the first to manufacture the new technology to suppy the world.

Key drivers or triggers

Provide up to 2 possible drivers or triggers of HIGH importance. Click on HELP to see examples:
please describe
Driver / Trigger 1
please describe
Driver / Trigger 2
Technological/Scientific New drug development
Economic Cost of medical care

Pan-European strategies potentially helping to deal with the wild card

please justify:
particularly relevant
Fostering and facilitating coherent international cooperation in science and technology