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Mapping Weak Signals

Inspired by: FP7 » Sign language in deaf communication

version: 1 / created: 2010-01-03
id: #678 / version id: #678
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Martin Fatun
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Martin Fatun
WI-WE status:
unpublished archived

Source of inspiration

European Commission Framework Programme for RTD (FP7)

Theme/activity of inspiration

Theme 3 - ICT - Information & communication technologies

Sub-theme/area of inspiration

Cognitive systems, interaction, robotics

Optional reference/s to FP7 project/s

Use the following format: Project Acronym (Project Reference No.). Use commas if more than one project is associated to this Wild Card, for example: ALFA-BIRD (213266), SAFAR (213374), LAPCAT-II (211485)
DICTA-SIGN (231135)

Signal's headline

(max. 9 words)
Sign language in deaf communication

Signal's description

(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Weak Signal (approx. 150 words)
The project Dicta-Sign addresses the need for communication between deaf individuals and communication via natural language by deaf users with various HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) environments. It will research and develop recognition and synthesis engines for sign languages (SLs) at a level of detail necessary for recognising and generating authentic signing.


ICT, sign language, human-computere intaraction, communication, deaf communication