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Progress: 54.59%   WWI-WE Version: 4
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Mapping Weak Signals

Inspired by: interviews » The way society perceives technological advances or other crises.

version: 4 / updated: 2011-10-25
id: #1836 / version id: #1836
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Ivan Montenegro Perini
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Ivan Montenegro Perini
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration


The source of the Weak Signal is

Manus Hayne, "University of Lancaster", interviewed by "RTC NORTH".

Signal's headline

(max. 9 words)
The way society perceives technological advances or other crises.

Signal's description

(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Weak Signal (approx. 150 words)
There seems to be a general public misunderstanding of science. The way society perceives technological advances or other crises can dramatically influence their opinion and acceptance of such technologies. This has been evident for MMR, ClimateGate and the BSE crisis, and if you look at Genetic Modification, public perception has drastically affected the progress of research due to the way it has been understood, or misunderstood. In today’s climate, this is even more evident as there is open access for people to air their views through the internet increasing the scope for much more misinformed dissemination.


technological advancement, developing, Society, Opinions, information access.


(max. 250 characters)
The way society perceives technological advances or other crises can dramatically influence their opinion and acceptance of such technologies.

Signal's potential evolution

It could lead to...
issue type of issue/development potential impact on society timeframe for the issue to become at least 50% probable
#1 continuation
#2 continuation


please specify
please select
Level 3: important for the European Union
Level 4: important for the whole world

Filters preventing the signal's monitoring

economic filters (business/market interests)
scientific filters (knowledge/technology access)
political filters (party or ideological interests)

Signal's relevance for European Grand Challenges

where? please justify:
particularly relevant Europe world
Economic prosperity/dynamics
Innovation dynamics
Techno-security, hazard & risk

Signal's relevance for thematic research areas

please justify:
particularly relevant
ICT - Information & communication technologies
Nanosciences, nanotech, materials & new prod. tech.