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Mapping Weak Signals

Inspired by: interviews » There are certain occurrences on the internet, and certain websites that have a high impact on people. Traditional media, such as newspapers, are having difficult times and are barely able to keep up.

version: 6 / updated: 2011-10-22
id: #1801 / version id: #1801
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Ivan Montenegro Perini
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Ivan Montenegro Perini
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration


The source of the Weak Signal is

Dr Patrick VAN DER DUIN, "Delft University of Technology", interviewed by "MIOIR".

Signal's headline

(max. 9 words)
There are certain occurrences on the internet, and certain websites that have a high impact on people. Traditional media, such as newspapers, are having difficult times and are barely able to keep up.

Signal's description

(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Weak Signal (approx. 150 words)
More and more of the immediate landscape is becoming itemized, individualized and influenced by many more people. Twitter is a good example. In DATE???? a little more than one year ago  I wrote an article for a Dutch newspaper predicting that Twitter would become famous. On 1 April  year???? there was an attack on the Royal Family and the first media coverage was on Twitter. It is now a serious phenomenon..People have got into trouble because they have said something on Twitter. In The Netherlands, Twitter has become an accepted social medium, not only by ordinary people but also by journalists and politicians. It has become a major news source, with reporters in the daily newspapers commonly quoting what people have said in Twitter. In Holland today  someone was convicted for incitement to violence because on Twitter he asked people to come to a certain square and start a riot.


social networks, websites, information access.

Signal's potential evolution

It could lead to...
issue type of issue/development potential impact on society timeframe for the issue to become at least 50% probable
#1 new/emerging
#2 new/emerging


please specify
please select
Level 4: important for the whole world

Filters preventing the signal's monitoring

information/communicational filters (media/editorial interests, language, reasoning)
economic filters (business/market interests)
scientific filters (knowledge/technology access)
political filters (party or ideological interests)

Signal's relevance for European Grand Challenges

where? please justify:
particularly relevant Europe world
Behavioural change
Ethics and abuse of S&T

Signal's relevance for thematic research areas

please justify:
particularly relevant
ICT - Information & communication technologies
Social Sciences and Humanities