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Mapping Wild Cards

Inspired by: FP7 » Nepotism and corruption replace qualifications

version: 1 / created: 2009-12-17
id: #609 / version id: #609
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Tuomo Kuosa
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Tuomo Kuosa
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration

European Commission Framework Programme for RTD (FP7)

Theme/activity of inspiration

Theme 8 - Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities

Sub-theme/area of inspiration

Conflicts, peace and human rights


(max. 9 words)

Nepotism and corruption replace qualifications


(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Wild Card (approx. 150 words)
Many professions are over educated. Elder people stay in their good positions as long as possible and they want to make favours to their relatives. Education starts to mater less and less. Athens case – the 700€ generation which refers to the generation of well educated under 35 years old people who earn max 700€ per month.


nepotism, corruption, qualifications, education,


(max. 250 characters)

Many professions are over educated. Elder people stay in their good positions as long as possible and they want to make favours to their relatives. Education starts to mater less and less.


Closest timeframe for at least 50% likelihood
Please use one of the following options:

Features of life if the wild card manifests

Feature 5: politics and global affairs
Feature 6: health and quality of life
unfair labourmarkets

Type of event

Human planned (e.g. terrorist attack or funded scientific breakthrough)

Type of emergence

please select (if any) describe related trend or situation
An extreme extension of a trend/development/situation
(e.g. Increased global warming leads to a total ban on fossil fuels)

Historical parallels

Many - that used to be the case before 20th century

Type of systems affected

Human-built Systems - E.g. organisations, processes, technologies, etc.




please specify:
please select
Level 3: important for the European Union

Early indicators

(including weak signals)

Athens case – the 700€ generation which refers to the generation of well educated under 35 years old people who earn max 700€ per month.