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Mapping Wild Cards

Inspired by: workshops/meetings » New cure for MRSA found! Great news until serious side effects revealed!

version: 10 / updated: 2011-04-27
id: #1725 / version id: #1022
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Anthony Walker
List of all contributors by versions (mouse over)
Last changed by: Rafael Popper
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Source of inspiration


iKnow workshop country name

United Kingdom

Workshop date

February 2010

The source of the Wild Card is

UK workshop - Nanotechnology Group


(max. 9 words)

New cure for MRSA found! Great news until serious side effects revealed!


(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Wild Card (approx. 150 words)
Targeted nano antibacterial agents kill bacteria in laboratory rats and in rapid succession a new cure for MRSA is announced. Follow up studies find that nano anti-bacterial agents have asbestos like properties and there is public outcry, and a backlash against anything Nano. Most nanotechnology research and development is halted, although there is public outcry as it is leaked that the government are sanctioning secret nano research.


nanotechnologies, antibacterial, bacteria, MRS, cure, social backlash


(max. 250 characters)

Targeted nano antibacterial agents kill bacteria in laboratory rats and in rapid succession a new cure for MRSA is announced. Follow up studies find that nano anti-bacterial agents have asbestos like properties and there is public outcry.


Closest timeframe for at least 50% likelihood
Please use one of the following options:

Features of life if the wild card manifests

Feature 1: business models and industrial environment
Unregulated development of nanotechnologies and nanosystems. Potential for high growth nano companies to go bankrupt overnight.
Feature 2: education and research environment
- Nano research halted due to social backlash and none acceptance of anything 'nano'
Feature 4: technology and infrastructure
Risk to all future nanotechnology research.
Feature 6: health and quality of life
- Possibility of pandemic caused by over use of antimicrobial agents. Treatment of MRSA and the side effects caused by the MRSA cure.
Feature 7: security and defence
Governmental research continues in secret under the public radar.

Type of event

Unplanned consequence of events/trends/situations (e.g. financial crisis, accidental breakthrough)

Type of emergence

please select (if any) describe related trend or situation
A counter trend/development/situation
(e.g. There is a massive decline in mobile phone usage due to fears of health hazards; Considerations of privacy lead to the banning of video surveillance in public spaces
A halt to all nonotechnology research due to public outcry

Historical parallels

Threatment of morning sickness by thalidomide caused babies to be born with deformities.

Type of systems affected

Human-built Systems - E.g. organisations, processes, technologies, etc.




please specify:
please select
Level 4: important for the whole world Important for all countries that have MRSA

Latent phase

Obstacles for early indentification

scientific filters (knowledge/technology access)
political filters (party or ideological interests)

Manifestation phase

Type of manifestation

In a probably enclosed way (e.g. geographically, sectorally)

Aftermath phase

Important implications
Collapse of a system


People who have contacted MRSA and been treated with the nono-cure would suffer from the side effects. The resultant backlash aginst nanotechnology may result in all nanotechnology research being stoped.

Key drivers or triggers

Provide up to 2 possible drivers or triggers of HIGH importance. Click on HELP to see examples:
please describe
Driver / Trigger 1
please describe
Driver / Trigger 2
Technological/Scientific Researchers looking for an MRSA cure
Economic Industry willing to fund this research for the eventual profits

Potential impacts (risks & opportunities)

Timeframe options
Risks Opportunities
(within 1 year after the Wild Card manifests)
Risk to the health of patients treated for MRSA
short term
(1 to 5 years after the Wild Card manifests)
Risk to the future of nanotechnology research

Potential stakeholders' actions

it occurs
it occurs
Policy actors (at the international, European and national levels) Initiate better testing procedures before a drug / treatment can be prescribed Do not move to ban all nanotechnology reseach in a "knee-jerk" response to public outcry
Academic/Research sector Look for ways to treat / cure the peole suffering from the side-effects
Media Report the story responsibly rather than sensationalising it.

Relevance for Grand Challenges

where? please justify:
particularly relevant Europe world
Diseases, health and well-being Relevent for any country whoch needs to treat MRSA
Techno-security, hazard & risk Rick to all future nanotechnology research

Relevance for thematic research areas

please justify:
particularly relevant
Health Treatment of MRSA and the side effects caused by the MRSA cure
Nanosciences, nanotech, materials & new prod. tech. Risk to the future of nanotechnology research

Pan-European strategies potentially helping to deal with the wild card

please justify:
particularly relevant
Developing and funding world-class research infrastructures Working to develop a cure / treatment for the side effects
Strengthening research institutions and universities

 Features of a research-friendly ecology contributing to deal with the wild card

For further information about 'research-friendly strategies' click here

please justify:
particularly relevant
Strengthening the actors in the research-friendly ecology
(i.e. Research funding organisations, universities, businesses, Research and Technology Organisations, Researchers and Citizens)
Working to develop a treatment / cure for the side effects

Relevance for future R&D and STI policies

Note: RTD = research and technology development; STI = science, technology and innovation
Very relevent for RTD and STI policies as it may result in the end of all nanotechnology research and development. Relevant for any country which needs to treat MRSA. Working to develop a cure / treatment for the side effects. Regulations required for applications of such technologies and potential impacts. Need for control and legislation.