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Mapping Wild Cards

Inspired by: FP7 » New diseases caused by tissue-engineering

version: 1 / created: 2009-09-04
id: #79 / version id: #79
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Cornelia Daheim
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Last changed by: Cornelia Daheim
WI-WE status:
unpublished archived

Source of inspiration

European Commission Framework Programme for RTD (FP7)

Theme/activity of inspiration

IDEAS: Interdisciplinary


(max. 9 words)

New diseases caused by tissue-engineering


(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Wild Card (approx. 150 words)
Standardised transplantations of tissue-engineered organs lead to new, unexpected diseases and physical disfunctions.


manipulation, biotechnology, unexpected diseases, biotechnology, proteins

Type of event

Unplanned consequence of events/trends/situations (e.g. financial crisis, accidental breakthrough)

Type of systems affected

Human-built Systems - E.g. organisations, processes, technologies, etc.




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Level 2: important for a particular world region