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Inspired by: FP7 » "Radio-telepathy" becomes common means for communications of feelings and thoughts directly from brain to brain

version: 1 / created: 2009-11-24
id: #348 / version id: #348
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Aharon Hauptman
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Last changed by: Aharon Hauptman
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration

European Commission Framework Programme for RTD (FP7)

Theme/activity of inspiration

Theme 3 - ICT - Information & communication technologies

Sub-theme/area of inspiration

ICT for independent living and inclusion

Optional reference/s to FP7 project/s

Use the following format: Project Acronym (Project Reference No.). Use commas if more than one project is associated to this Wild Card, for example: ALFA-BIRD (213266), SAFAR (213374), LAPCAT-II (211485)


(max. 9 words)

"Radio-telepathy" becomes common means for communications of feelings and thoughts directly from brain to brain


(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Wild Card (approx. 150 words)
Advances in brain machine interface (BCI) may lead to radiotelepathy, enabled by direct conversion of neural signals into radio signals and vice versa, and the placement of micro/nano radio transmitters and receivers within the tissue of a living brain. The physicist Freeman Dyson estimated that a system of 10^5 tiny transmitters inside a brain could observe and transmit in detail the activity of an entire human brain. Dyson speculated that Radiotelepathy could become powerful instrument of social change, used either for good or for evil purposes. It could foster mutual understanding and peaceful cooperation of humans all over the planet, or lead to tyrannical oppression and enforced.


brain, brain machine interface, radio-telephaty