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Mapping Wild Cards

Inspired by: scientists/researchers » Traditional Chinese Medicine Established in Europe

version: 1 / created: 2010-08-20
id: #974 / version id: #974
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Ines Lietzke
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Last changed by: Ines Lietzke
WI-WE status:

Source of inspiration

Scientists/researchers (incl. reports, plans and statements)


(max. 9 words)

Traditional Chinese Medicine Established in Europe


(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Wild Card (approx. 150 words)
Besides conventional medicine, traditional chinese medicine (TCM) is fully established and applied across the EU. Universities either offer medical studies in conventional medicine or in TCM. TCM hospitals are opened up and many family doctors are educated in TCM.


Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, health, health infrastructure, EU regulaiton


Closest timeframe for at least 50% likelihood
Please use one of the following options:

Features of life if the wild card manifests

Feature 1: business models and industrial environment
The pharmaceutical industry records losses whereas new business models - companies specialising on TCM - establish.
Feature 2: education and research environment
A new branch of research and education is established.
Feature 3: consumers, markets and lifestyles
Patients who are convinced of the traditional chinese medicine also change their lifestyles and more carefully look after there life balance, their diet and exercises.
Feature 4: technology and infrastructure
The health infrastructure changes as the TCM is not build on health technologies.
Feature 5: politics and global affairs
Many EU regulations were needed to introduce TCM as a fully accepted alternative treatment to conventional medicine.
Feature 6: health and quality of life
For many people, the traditional chinese medicine offer a good and more natural alternative to the conventional medicine.

Type of event

Human planned (e.g. terrorist attack or funded scientific breakthrough)

Type of emergence

please select (if any) describe related trend or situation
An extreme extension of a trend/development/situation
(e.g. Increased global warming leads to a total ban on fossil fuels)

Type of systems affected

Human-built Systems - E.g. organisations, processes, technologies, etc.




please specify:
please select
Level 2: important for a particular world region China
Level 3: important for the European Union

Early indicators

(including weak signals)

Many European Universities already offer seminars in TCM. Moreover, more and more people turn their back on conventional medicine and look for alternatives as the booming market of homeopathy shows.

Latent phase

Obstacles for early indentification

cultural/religious filters (values, traditions, faith, spiritual beliefs)
institutional filters (rules, laws, regulations)
political filters (party or ideological interests)

Manifestation phase

Type of manifestation

In a probably pervasive way (contagious or transmittable)

Aftermath phase

Important implications
Emergence of a new system (e.g. new technologies, new paradigms)

Key drivers or triggers

Provide up to 2 possible drivers or triggers of HIGH importance. Click on HELP to see examples:
please describe
Driver / Trigger 1
please describe
Driver / Trigger 2
Technological/Scientific Research results proving the TCM being very helpful.
Political Regulation allowing TCM as alternative to conventional medical treatment.

Relevance for Grand Challenges

where? please justify:
particularly relevant Europe world
Ageing and other demographic tensions
Diseases, health and well-being
Work-Life balance and mental health

Relevance for thematic research areas

please justify:
particularly relevant
Social Sciences and Humanities
International S&T Cooperation

Pan-European strategies potentially helping to deal with the wild card

please justify:
particularly relevant
Developing and funding world-class research infrastructures
Facilitating and promoting knowledge sharing and transfer

 Features of a research-friendly ecology contributing to deal with the wild card

For further information about 'research-friendly strategies' click here

please justify:
particularly relevant
Creating a closer link between researchers & policy-makers
(e.g. supporting both thematic and cross-cutting policies, highlighting the strategic purpose of the European Research Area, etc.

Relevance for future R&D and STI policies

Note: RTD = research and technology development; STI = science, technology and innovation
RTD: Increase research in TCM