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Mapping Wild Cards

Inspired by: FP7 » True electronic paper

version: 1 / created: 2009-11-27
id: #405 / version id: #405
mode: VIEW

Originally submitted by: Martin Fatun
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Last changed by: Martin Fatun
WI-WE status:
unpublished archived

Source of inspiration

European Commission Framework Programme for RTD (FP7)

Theme/activity of inspiration

Theme 3 - ICT - Information & communication technologies

Sub-theme/area of inspiration

Components, systems, engineering

Optional reference/s to FP7 project/s

Use the following format: Project Acronym (Project Reference No.). Use commas if more than one project is associated to this Wild Card, for example: ALFA-BIRD (213266), SAFAR (213374), LAPCAT-II (211485)
FLAME (216546)


(max. 9 words)

True electronic paper


(approx. 150 words)
Please describe the Wild Card (approx. 150 words)
It was spoken about paperless office and electronic books for long time, but none of considered elecronic technologies was able to reach excellence of the common paper until the " true electronic paper" has been developed. It has all the favoured features of common paper - lightness, bendability and flexibility - but it is indestructible. It is equiped with integrated high-density memory for thousands of pages of mulimedia content, and with wi-fi connection for online internet access. The mass use of this paper caused fundamental changes in European economy and primarily in everyday liife of European citisens.


electronic paper, organic light-emitting color displays, OLED, paperless office, electronic book


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